Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Appropriate feeding practices are of fundamental importance for infants' health in the first two years of life. Fie essential messages of breastfeeding had been issued by WHO/UNICEF/USAID in 1999 as part of international recomendations, applied in the majority of the world, including Indonesia.

As health workers, we should comunicate theses messages to every woman by the las trimester of fregnancy until the first hours and months of the child's life, in order to help mothers avoid inadequate prectices and ensure children's proper growth and development:

Initiate breastfeeding within the first hour of life.
For the mother the benerits include reduced bleeding and infections after birth; the mani benefit for the child is that the sucking reflex helps to stimulate the mother's milk flow and ensure suffuicient milk immediately after and on of the delivery.

In Indonesia, less than one sixth of mothers do so with some three quarter initiating only after xix hours after delivery thus deleying the formation of sucking riflex and the production of milk.

Exclusively feed all colostrum (first breast milk, yellow in color)
Colostrum contains increased amount of antibodies and proteins essential to baby's early life and immunity. Do not give anything (water, teas, etc) before breastfeeding is started.

Colostrum is often considered harmful in some parts of Indonesia, and for which significant proportion of mothers discards part of it and up to one third do not give any of it.

Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life reinforce the immunity system preventing the newborn baby form communicable desease infection.

Breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months of life.
Breast milk contains all nutriens the baby needs and is also rich in antibodies to help fighting infections. Early introduction of tother foods (water, teas, bananas, coconut, or other solid foods) is harmful because the baby,s digestive system is not at all prepared to consume them.

Currently in Indonesia, Exclusive breastfeeding is very low and practiced by less than one sixth of women with one third of babies being fed with solid foods as early as one month. In addintion, very few babies are exclusively breastfeeding up to 6 months (less than 10%).

Introduce nutrition complementary food at the age of 6 months.
After 6 months breast milk no longer meets nutrition needs of the infant. Most apprppriate products to ensure the baby's growth are varied and nutritious foods, properly and freshly cooked: fresh and thick creamy porridge made from cereals, rice or millets in water/milk or mixture (do not water down the porridge to preserve energy content). Moreover, to give fruit purees and juices, thick vegetable soups or boiled pureed meats/eggs will contribute greatly to the baby's weight gain and health. On contrary to above, in Indonesia, up to half (!) of mothers consider that most appropriate first solid food for babies are commercial instant baby food, followed by fruits.

Continue breastfeeding up to 2 years of life.
Infants need breast milk for at least two years for optimal growth, health and development. In Indonesia, up to half of all children are weaned between first and second birthday.

Good To Remember : for the baby, there is no better, natural or healthier food than his mother's milk, which is produced to satisfy all his needs! Do not accept or Encourage mothers to give formula milk.

Sources : Nutrition specialis ; Lilia Turcan adn Rufina Pardosi, http://experienceofadventure.blogspot.com